Theresa & Co Beauty, Ottawa

Hair salon

Beauty Salon

54 Grenadier way, K2J 4L4 Ottawa


Opening hours today for Theresa & Co Beauty

Weekly opening hours:

  • Monday: 09:00-17:00

  • Tuesday: 09:00-17:00

  • Wednesday: 09:00-17:00

Business information and opening hours last updated 24 May 2024.

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About Theresa & Co Beauty

Theresa & Co Beauty is a collective of talented Make Up Artists and Hairstylists specializing in Spe

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Comment on Theresa & Co Beauty

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Janine Theresa is absolutely without a doubt amazing! She has been doing my hair and make up for as long as I could remember for all my dance...
Theresa has started an amazing service at Theresa Moss & Co. I did a makeup trial with her for her to train one of her makeup and hair artists and I...
Honestly couldn't ask for a better lady. As someone who's known her since high school, having her do everything from high school dances, prom, random...
Theresa did my makeup for my friend Kaylee's wedding. It was my first experience with air brushed makeup. I was so impressed!! It was so nice to not...
Janine Theresa did my hair for many dance recitals. She's got such a manner to make you feel relaxed when everything and everyone around you is...
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