Johnstone Daycare, Red Deer



4 Jones Cres, t4p3w6 Red Deer


Opening hours today for Johnstone Daycare

Weekly opening hours:

  • Monday: 07:00-18:00

  • Tuesday: 07:00-18:00

  • Wednesday: 07:00-18:00

  • Thursday: 07:00-18:00

  • Friday: 07:00-18:00

Business information and opening hours last updated 25 April 2024.

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About Johnstone Daycare

A play based program inspired and guided by the Reggio Emilia Philosophy and the Curriculum Framework.. Johnstone Daycare is Reggio Emilia inspired center for early childhood education in Red Deer. We place emphasis on finding the extraordinary in the ordinary and making learning visible. Our co-learner approach between educators and our community of learners allows for child led learning in an environment conducive to exploration through nature, our dispositions, the child's interest, natural inquisitions, and sense of wonder. Read more

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